Closed Loop System Dispensing

No measuring
No pouring into buckets
No more "glug, glug"
No mixing mistakes

CLOSED LOOP DISPENSING provides safe and accurate dilution control by eliminating exposure to cleaning concentrates.

  • Prevents direct exposure to concentrated cleaning chemicals
  • Eliminates accidental spillage of chemical concentrates
  • Delivers consistent , accurate, proper dilution dispensing
  • Provides three different “no exposure” dispensing options

How the Closed Loop System Works

The Closed Loop Dispensing System protects users from any direct exposure to cleaning chemicals while loading and operating the wall mount dispenser.


The proprietary gallon container is equipped with an Interior Insert device and Exterior Cap Adapter.

When connected to the dispensing system, the interior cap is “unlocked” so the cleaning chemical can be dispensed according to the desired pre-set ratio, such as 1 oz./gallon for light duty/green dispensing or 10 oz./gallon for red/heavy duty.

The Wall Mount Back Plate is customizable and posts usage information.